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insights and actions from science and the arts to create a better life and world

hey there!
wonderful person you :-)

welcome back to your very own cozy collection of fun ways to keep curious
so life can be more flourishing and fruitful
xoxo eliza
anywhere eyes-open
presence practices
for greater ease and strength and creativity
feel more
feel more
short recordings
for more
short recordings
to ground you
00:00 / 03:45
quick: get grounded & resilient

anywhere eyes-open
possibilities practices
strengthen the 24 chracter strengths of positive psychology and in the process gain greater mental and emotional strength and agility, empathy and intelligence
pro tip: its fun to choose one strength a week,
you can even just listen to one 2 minute recording on monday and then play with it when you are waiting in line, or walking somewhere, doing dishes, whenever.
then life gets more wonderful even faster, because you are building new neural pathways
this app is in beta testing
let us know how this can serve you better at and look out for changes (-;
p.s. closed captioning is on the way (-:
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