insights and actions from science and the arts to create a better life and world
A library of fun, intuitive things you can do to increase awareness, shift your mindset, increase your character strengths, and expand your possiblities.
The playful, science-backed ways to live better, used by creatives is there to support you anytime, anywhere. Standing in line. Waiting. Walking. Writing an email. You can grow in a fun way.
The Supermindful app by keep curious offers just that: fun ways to live better.
At keep curious we care about access.
We keep our prices low because we believe that you are more important than your money.
Our goal is for as many people as possible to use these tools
so as many people as possible can be limitless: increasing their empathy, creativity, and resilience together.
We are not just out to build a company.
We're out to fill the world with wonder-full people who know how make life better.
Can you imagine a world where everyone feels more curious, connected, and creative?
We can.
So let's be supermindful together!
Practicing goodness together is even better,
so invite some friends to join you.
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