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about eliza

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At 29 years old Eliza felt done with life. It felt too difficult, too painful, too much. 


But she realized that when she was teaching acting and acting herself she felt free of those feelings- 


however she also was free to explore those feelings without judgment or fear, making them no longer feel like too much.

Everything -the aspects of herself she saw as liabilites, the aspects of other people she disliked- could be engaged with with interest, with the result of greater awarness, discernment, efficiency and ease. 


She could understand and connect with the infinite variety of humanity with compassionate curiousity. She could be anyone. See anyone. Be any way. She was limitless and so were her students.

Through watching the expansion and empathy, the love and playfulness, that were naturally, easily accessible in herself, her collaborators, and her students in an acting class and in rehearsal Eliza thought "how can I bring this way of being out into life? For myself and for other people, so life feels more flourishing, connected, creative and fun, so the things that make me want to crawl under a tree, or defend myself, or run away spark new possibilities instead?"

So she curated a suite of ever evolving practices and frameworks that help herself and other people trade fear for curiosity: the ability to think and feel in new ways that feel fun and nourishing, so new things can happen, without rejecting how we are feeling or what we think already.

Curiosity makes us brave, gritty, and creative rather than defeated, enraged and frusterated. (We may still feel that way, but we then have the choice to use those ways of feeling to teach us new things that can help move us foward.)

Now, the award winning author and keep curious founder, has been teaching and learning about the how of curiosity for the past 20 years, first through the arts, and then through neuroscience, psychology, and business

An actress, choreographer, director, reserearcher, collaborator, teacher, and speaker, Eliza has an MFA from Boston University and has conducted neuroscientific research in mindfulness at Harvard and Brigham and Women's Hospital. She has led workshops for business leaders and doctors and has taught at Kripalu and has studied many different varieties of meditation. She has served as the Head of Acting for The New York Film Academy at Harvard and is certified in yoga, 250 hrs. Her daughter, husband, and dog necessiate that she remain curious on the daily.

"The more easily we can access curiosity, connection, and creativity the better lives we can have and the better world we can create. In fact, these are our superpowers. Our ability to be curious, to empathize, to imagine what isn't yet real in ourselves and outside of ourselves. The superpowers we need always, but especially right now."

for some hot tips you can use right now, watch her TEDx talk

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